wtorek, 6 grudnia 2016

Auld Lang Syne

Dear students!
I'm leaving you with that beautiful song!
Write something about the song, about one important day in one English-spoken country...

Try to guess!

Hello students!
I know that some of you are interested in movies. I'm leaving you with that short YouTube film.
Answer the questions:
What is that? Where is that? Write some interesting details...
 You have a chance to get a plus or a grade!

Dear students!

Imagine you're inviting friends over a dinner. You live in Australia. Write 2 short recipies that you're going use.

Dear students!

May I have your attention ? :) Homework time! Next class you're going to present me your favourite news from BBC page.  You're allowed to choose an article or radio audition. 

Below you'll find the examples:



Dear students! 

Imagine you're teachers. Create a class for 7-10 y.o  children. Use 'British Council' resources

Here's an example:


Dear students,

Next class we're going to talk about AIESEC's opportunities. Prepare yourselves

Dear students!

Do you like National Geographic? Here's what you' ve got to do. Pick a photo and describe it precisely. Then, send your text on my e-mail adress.

Good luck! 

poniedziałek, 5 grudnia 2016


Dear students,
Remember about the short test next week (1st and 2nd conditional)
This short film will be a good revision for you.
Good luck :)


Dear students!
Do you need more practice? Let me introduce you to Tandem.
Register as a learner and have fun.

My perfect place

Task for everyone!
Describe one perfect place to live in.
Use one of those pages:

Do the best you can :)


Dear students,
Are you into Shakespeare?
I encourage you to have a look at it:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03nn9dz - from BBC Radio 4

Chose one and we will discuss it next class.
You have a chance to get a good grade!


Dear students!
I created this blog to provide some extra materials connected with our classes and to encourage you to learn more!